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Tahoe Natural

Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter

Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter

Regular price $150.00 USD
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The Graham-Stetzer Microsurge Meter is designed to detect low-level high frequency voltages caused by transients and harmonics on power lines. The level of these voltages is measured in GS (Graham-Stetzer) units. This device is recommended for use in conjunction with original Stetzerizer Filters. The meter measures the amount of high frequency energy present, and its primary use is to guide effective Stetzerizer Filter installation. 

The Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter is easy to use. Just plug the meter into any standard electrical outlet and look at the reading on the screen. Readings are displayed in GS (Graham-Stetzer) Units — a simple numerical value assigned to a complex calculation of the instantaneous amount of high frequency energy (dirty electricity) present at an electrical outlet.

Using the Microsurge Meter for a Typical Home Installation

Microsurge meters measure the levels (safe, borderline, or dangerous) of dirty electricity (DE) present. These levels are conveniently shown on the back of the meter for reference. Guidelines have been developed through research (much of it in Russia and neighboring countries) and confirmed by experience in North America and other countries worldwide. These guidelines have been adopted by the Sanitary Stations (Health Departments) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Starting from points that typically have the highest readings, such as where computers and televisions are plugged in, the meter is used to measure both the initial levels of GS energy, and its reduction as filters are added. Once the GS levels are acceptably reduced (at least 20%) at one location, the process should be repeated at the next location. After the installation of the filters is complete, a final confirmation of the GS levels should be performed throughout the house.



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